Enjoy the shows of Valkeakoski Theatre and summer theatre, experience modern art and manor culture in Voipaala Art centre or dive right in to the golden age of Finnish art and see the funniest museum of Finland in Visavuori. Face the history in the Myllysaari museum, visit Finland’s only football museum or spend a day at Kauppilanmäki -open air museum exploring the past way of living.
Culture and sights
See and explore cultural experiences, be surprised by it and get to know historical places. Enjoy from versatile selection of Valkeakoski's culture!

Myllysaari museum
Kanavanranta 3 C
040 756 5291

The Football Museum of Finland
Kanavanranta 3 C
+35845 808 4239

Kauppilanmäki open air museum
Rinnekatu 5
+358 40 563 6017
Open 19.6.-11.8.2024

Visavuorentie 80
+358 3 543 6528

Voipaala Art Centre
Sääksmäentie 772
+358 40 335 7071

Rapola Ridge and Hill Forth
Sääksmäentie 772

Sääksmäki Stone Church
Kirkkovainiontie 10
+358 40 804 8856, +358 40 804 8854
Open 16.5.-11.9.

Valkeakoski Theatre
Valkeakoskenkatu 17
+358 40 335 7027

The Finnish Summer Theatre
Pässinmäenkatu 30

The Forest Theatre (SäRes-Center)
Huittulantie 327

Garden cafe Tervapääsky
Sääksmäentie 825
+358 40 7154160